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The latest from Fantasy GP HQ

Mid Season Player Survey

Complete the 2018 Mid Season player survey to help shape the future of Fantasy GP.

Date published: 3rd August 2018

It’s that time of year again, Formula 1 disappears for a few weeks while the drivers and teams have a much needed break for the summer before returning at the end of August for the Belgian GP.

We take this opportunity to run our annual Player Survey where we collect feedback from you to help shape the game’s future. This is a proper survey, where we actually read your thoughts, comments and ideas and use them to help make the game better for 2019 and beyond. It’s a community effort.

Oh and 5 lucky people who respond will win some goodies too. Please complete the survey before the Belgian GP weekend.

Take me to the Survey!

Results are in for Hungary
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Results are in for Great Britain
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Results are in for Austria
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Results are in for Spain
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