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Hamilton to Ferrari next season!

Date published: 1st February 2024

We don’t usually report news on here, we like to leave it to the professionals and the bloggers out there, but with news of this scale, we couldn’t not say something. This has to be one of the biggest driver announcements for decades.

Like most F1 fans, we were shocked seeing this being actual news – we’re of course used to the rumours of such ideas, but to be actual news caught us (and Toto!) by surprise.

Turns out Lewis activated the 1 year clause in his current Mercedes contract and has indeed signed for Ferrari for 2025. This means that he will enjoy 2024 as his final season with Mercedes, well – we say ‘enjoy’ – let’s see how the new car goes in testing later this month.

In case you hadn’t noticed, the line of drivers for 2024 is *exactly the same* as it was for 2023, but with so many contracts expiring at the end of this season, we were expecting a crazier silly season – seems Hamilton has got the jump on everyone with his annoucement before we’ve even had a lap of racing (or testing for that matter) in 2024.

Of course we hope 2024 is a more exciting year for F1 than 2023, but we’re already excited for 2025 now! And anyway, with Fantasy GP, Formula 1 is always exciting!

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